Monday, December 17, 2007

Communication Skills

We are all wired differently! We send out , receive and process information in a wide variety of ways. When we do this well we call it, GOOD COMMUNICATIONS. When we do this poorly, we call it A BIG FAT MESS.

Sometimes our wires get crossed or communications become jumbled like the electrical lines in this photo (taken last year while in Myanmar). Because we are human, because we are not perfect, because we interact with people wired differently, the potential for miscommunication, misunderstandings are inevitably. Hey, there are even times when I am perfectly capable of tangling things up all by myself, I don't even need outside assistance!

Are you like me? Is there any "rewiring" that needs to take place in your life? Maybe it's improving your communication skills, maybe it's working on not being critical of those who are wired differently than you! The willingness or desire to make improvements is always a good place to start. When we follow that desire through with an intentional plan, that's when we begin to see some exciting results! Changes take time and energy. It is for these reasons that I am very grateful to have a patient, slow to anger, compassionate God who love me even during those times when I fail.

As I look AGAIN at the posted picture above, I am seeing something I didn't notice before. In the center of all the crazy wires, the pole somewhat resembles a cross. Kind of a cool way to remember that when I'm feel completely overloaded and the "wiring" looks confused, I must look to Jesus (the cross at the center) He alone is God. He is the only one who can lovingly untangle and rewire my life!

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