Friday, February 26, 2010

Happy Anniversary to ME!

Today is my one month anniversary in Bangkok. I can’t believe I’m going to publicly admit this, but today I actually ate lunch in a MacDonald’s restaurant. After four hours of language class, the idea of wandering around deciding on which peculiar food item to buy from the street vendors just wasn’t appealing. It seemed like a good idea at the time. It would be simple, no thinking involved...and besides it would be the first “American-ish” food eaten since my arrival.

It’s been about 35 minutes since my tasty, mini indulgence. Now I’m remembering why I don’t usually eat at these places. After weeks of vegetables, rice, fruit and water…my diet coke, fries and cheese burger are sitting like a heavy blob in my stomach! No problem, I’m sure a few trips up and down our five flights of stairs will take care of that!

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