Friday, February 26, 2010

Manja Manja!

I meet a lot of people when traveling. They seem surprised to hear I'm from the USA. They usually think I'm traveling from an Arab country or that I’m Italian.

Do I look Italian or Arab?

Right now I’m feeling more like an Italian who is going through “cooking” withdrawals!

I love to cook, but since arriving to
Thailand, I haven’t cooked anything- at all! Besides having no time to cook, there isn’t really any place to prepare or sit and enjoy a nice meal.

My modest flat (one room with a bed, nightstand and free standing closet) is on the fifth floor and our “sort-of-a-kitchen” is on the second floor. The good news is we have a kitchen. YEA! Kitchens are somewhat rare. The bad news is our kitchen is nothing like the ones back in American.

I did however notice that we have a few “critters” that seem quite pleased with our kitchen facilities. Have you ever seen a Madagascar cockroach? They need their own zip code! They are gigantic!

Currently, we are doing our best to evict all of them. LEAVE and NEVER return in JESUS name! Gosh... listen to me, I think I've been sitting in on too many deliverance sessions this week!

Time to take a break. Anybody know where you can find a good Pizza around here?

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