Friday, February 26, 2010

Jing! Jing!

Some of the beautiful jewelry made at NightLight

My team members minister to trafficked women in many ways. Prayer, counseling, deliverance, discipleship, education/training, jewelry making and outreach are just a few. It is a holistic approach, which addresses healing the spirit, the physical body and the mind through God's power and love. To say this is “intense work” seems like an understatement.

In addition, I've been asked to help for a while as an administrate assistant to Annie, the Founder of NighLight . Although it never occurred that I would be helping in this way, my prayer is to do my best.

As a rule,
Annie's door is always open to those needing assistance. That means any of us who work in the office, may be asked to join her for a prayer or deliverance session at any time!
I love that. There is so much more for me to learn about intercession, spiritual warfare and human trafficking. I consider it a great honor to serve along side all these gifted people. No doubt there is much for me to learn, Jing! Jing! Thankfully, everyone on staff is very encouraging and patient.

Although I’ve only been here for a short time, it is clear that every aspect of this ministry is committed and submitted to God. I can’t imagine it any other way, as EVERY DAY we are faced with new challenges and victories!

This ministry is growing quickly. Annie is frequently sought after for personal tours, TV interviews, articles and to speak at events. I share these things with you in hopes that you will continue your prayers not only for me, but for Annie, the international staff and the many beautiful young women this ministry impacts.

“Jing! Jing!” Thai phrase meaning:

  • Really! Really!
  • No kidding!
  • That is true!

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