Monday, February 15, 2010

No room for insecurities!

I am a foreigner here in Thailand, and every day I'm reminded of that fact. I'm different. My native culture is different and there are always plenty of opportunities to make comparisons to the life that was left behind. As a foreign missionary, this of course would be very unwise and unhealthy!

Instead, I have determined to smile at the obvious differences and enjoy them. For example... if there are ants in my the cream and sugar containers in the morning, no problem, that just means I'll be having ants stirred into my coffee or tea all day! I've also begun to understand that my shoes are a nice place for geckos to sleep and my mouth is being trained (in language class) to make sounds that I was taught NEVER to make at the dinner table!

I've chosen not to be jealous that the Lady Boys in my neighborhood are MORE ATTRACTIVE than I EVER was or EVER will be.... even on my BEST day! I've also chosen not to be intimidated by the fact that many of my team mates are in their twenties, and have Degrees in everything from Theology to International Business!

Productivity has become a vague memory. It appears that many Thai people prefer to "work on it tomorrow". I've noticed that everything but the tuk tuks and taxis move at a more leisurely pace. It's unusual to see anyone scurrying down the sidewalk in a hurry to get to their destination. Unlike me, the petite Thai women are able to maneuver around in their high fashion, three inch heels with ease, successfully dodging motorcycles, potholes, crumbling curbs and the cluttered, uneven sidewalks of Bangkok- NEVER once missing their footing. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?

I on the other hand, appear like an awkward giant. Although not wearing heels, I've managed to tumble into yet another crevice in the road. I do my best to quickly scooping myself up off the hard concrete in front of a local street vendor. I brush myself off. No problem, no injury was suffered, only a scuffed ego. It's just another normal day for me in my new home.

As I said earlier, there is no room for vain insecurities or inferiority complexes on the Mission Field.

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