Thursday, January 31, 2013

Today is 1-31-13....very interesting!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sons and Daughters of Encouragement!

I have many heroes in the Bible, but one that has always impressed me is Barnabas. During his ministry he sure seemed to do a great job of modeling “faithfulness through difficulties” and how to “love others well". You might remember Barnabas as the one who accompanied Paul on some of the early mission trips.  He was know by his peers as the “son of encouragement!” (or the son of Paraclete). Wow, that’s pretty awesome especially when you know what that Paraclete means! It's a powerful word that means, “one who come along side another, to be an advocate for, the comforter, a helper, an encourager!” In the book of John, Jesus describe His gift to us (the Holy Spirit) as the Paraclete (John 16:7-8)

All of us, at some point in time, find ourselves in physical, emotional, financial and spiritually challenging situations. It is in those time that the Holy Spirit eagerly "comes along side" us and faithfully provides our needs. He is our advocate, our comforter and encourager! As followers of Jesus, we are called to do the same for others!

There are still three days left for me to prepare for this trip, and I sure could use A LOT MORE of  God's love in my life! Let’s pray together that God will FILL US UP TO OVER-FLOWING with His love and joy..... that we might be allowed to share the privilege of “coming along side” those who are pastors and missionaries as “comforters, helpers and encouragers”.  We can practice being more like Barnabas- sons and daughters of encouragement! Thank you so much for your support!

It's already WEDNESDAY- auuugh! I'm leaving for Thailand THIS SUNDAY.  If all goes well, I should be back in the states by April. This is an important trip in which I'll be connecting with a dear missionary friend/sister in the north. Can't wait to see her!  Besides a travel Visa and Passport,  I plan to  pack an extra large supply of non-presishable FRUIT! Yep, never can have enough joy, peace, patience, love and kindness.....more fruit of the Spirit please!!!  I think they'll make through customs?  

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I've always had a thing for cars!

My youngest is getting married 
August 2013.
So excited for them!


Monday, April 30, 2012

Look up!

More than a year ago, it was a pair of  well-worn black "flip-flops", some rainwater on a hard marble floor and a pressing need to be up at SUN RAISE to prayer walk the territory (a congested neighborhood in the red light district of Bangkok) that began my journey towards SAN DIEGO? Hummm.... not what I expected.

Today, I'm in San Diego, wondering if I'll ever be back to the congested streets of Bangkok? I still find myself  prayer walking, but the territory is very different!  My well-worn black "flip-flops", the water, and pressing need to get out of my comfort zone, are familiar to me, but these days I find myself more often on quiet beaches at sunset!  Huummm....definitely not what I expected.  What is in store for my future?  With that in mind, these verses in Colossians 3 were especially encouraging (The choice of wording used in the MESSAGE Bible caught my attention) "Don't shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. LOOK UP, and be alert to what is going on around Christ...that's where the action is!  See things from HIS perspective...let the peace of Christ keep you in tune... in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. Cultivate thankfulness! ... and sing, sing your hearts out to God! Let every detail in your lives...words, actions, whatever it is be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way. AMEN

Friday, April 27, 2012

HEALING conference in with Bill Johnson, Heidi and Roland Baker, Randy Clark and Che Ahn at his church in Pasadena.  A great opportunity to get out of town and saturate ourselves in God's presence, powerful and spiritually refreshing! 

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow

Ever feel like your life looks more 
like this picture...

...rather than this picture?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Moved with Compassion?

It's Valentines Day. I remember what it was like being a single mom with three little ones on Valentines day :( It was NOT a very happy time in my life, and all the attention to flowers and romance only made it painfully worse! So today I paid a visit to a young single mom whom I met through my church. Single mom's are notorious for not lavishing themselves with luxuries, they 're too busy struggling to afford basics, like gasoline, toilet paper and diapers! So a surprise delivery of decadent treats seemed in order!

She has two little ones and a third one on the way! Her life is uncertain and she is fearful for their future because her husband left her during this latest pregnancy. It would be easy to say-WHAT A HORRIBLE THING, leaving a wife and three darling children! How can any man do such a terrible thing? But there is more to the story. This strong young man has been serving his country in a war zone. If that wasn't stressful enough, recently he suffered a horrible tragedy- his leg was blown off. Suddenly we see WHY his whole world may be crumbling. The trauma, the shock and unbelievable pain, his future, his ability to provide for his family, and his identity as a man, were all blown to pieces at that moment. Of course he's confused and not thinking clearly.... and then suddenly, we are filled with compassion for him.

I must always be on guard NOT to make quick judgements about people, not even quietly, in the private recesses of my own thinking! We really have no idea what people have been through. God please help me remember this lesson. I long to be "moved by compassion" as JESUS was..... instead of being moved to cynicism and criticism.

The LORD appeared to him from afar saying I loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore I have drawn you to myself with lovingkindness. Jeremiah 31:3

Friday, February 10, 2012

Victoria Secret Model- Kylie Bissutti following her heart!

It's almost Valentines Day and I'm sure our local Victoria Secret boutiques are "well endowed" with plenty of tantalizing merchandise! With so much negative attention given to the use of sensual and seductive imaging to sell products these days, I found Kylie's story refreshing. This stunning young woman courageously stepped away from a high profile, high paying job as a Victoria Secret "super model". Watch the video to see why Kylie made a decision to follow her heart!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

We in the USA are hearing very little about the terrible flooding in Thailand. This is the most serious crisis in more than 50 years. Much more damage than when Tsunami hit! The aftermath of these floods I fear will be even worse than the flood itself! Sanitation and contamination problems, airborne diseases, infections plus economic and emotional trauma. Please pray for the people in the Kingdom of Thailand. They truly need divine intervention!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pray for Thailand

flooding in Ayutthaya Bangkok Thailand News 8 Oct 2011 300x220 Flooding in Bangkok News 8 October 2011

URGENT PRAYER- Flood waters from northern Thailand, combined with ocean tides are expected to bring heavy flooding to Bangkok with in days. Potential flood waters could be the worse the country has experienced in 50 years.

Thai government leaders are at their “wits end” and are seeking help from the “goddess of water” as they consider ways to avoid this impending disaster! The Kingdom of Thailand is a Buddhist nation, less than 2% evangelized and also a "non-crisis" oriented culture. Spend a lot of time or energy focusing strategies, excessive planning or PREVENTATIVE MEASURES when faced with potential crisis situations, IS NOT part of their culture/worldview.

The Thai people usually deal with problems when they day at a time. This might seem very odd to us as westerners, but REMEMBER most of the 2/3 world functions in this same non-crisis mode. Their political, economical and religious systems have tempered these cultural views, making them much more tolerant of ambiguity, especially as it concerns their future.

  • PLEASE PRAY- Local community of Christians will be mobilized to extend physical, emotional and spiritual help to their neighbor

  • PLEASE PRAY- God’s mercy on this Kingdom. May the kindness of God, His supernatural intervention and assistance in times of crisis, cause their hearts to humbly turn towards Him.

  • PLEASE PRAY- Kingdom of Thailand, government officials will seek help and wisdom for their people from the One True God!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Human Trafficking Happens HERE!

Human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery. Victims of human trafficking are subjected to force, fraud, or coercion, for the purpose of sexual exploitation or forced labor. Victims are young children, teenagers, men and women.

After drug dealing, human trafficking is tied with the illegal arms industry as the second largest criminal industry in the world today.

If you suspect someone has been trafficked, call the:
Department of Health and Human Services
Toll-free, 24 hour

Friday, September 9, 2011

Stabbed at the Food Court!

San Diego is stunning, especially at night! Ocean views, perfect weather and a relaxed resort atmosphere, brings tourists to this area from all around the world. However, like many beautiful cities, sometimes LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING. Recently, God reminded me of this in a very interesting way. Let's just say it was an EYE OPENING experience!

Have you ever prayed for God to BREAK YOUR HEART for the things that break His, or asked Him to OPEN YOUR EYES to what He is doing? Those are great prayers, but such requests usually require a willingness to readjust our perspective! Seeing our comfortable, familiar surroundings through new eyes (His eyes) takes some effort and can be disturbing.

The first clue, that my evening was NOT going to be "business as usual", happened as I tried to exit our neighborhood. First, I came upon a man and woman standing RIGHT in the middle of road, ARGUING LOUDLY with each other! Wasn’t sure if they were husband-wife or boyfriend-girlfriend? Whoever they were, they seemed completely oblivious to me, to traffic, or to the fact that their car was blocking the road! In frustration, I maneuvered around them just in time to meet a sedan fully of teenagers who were hanging out the windows yelling #&*@! obscenities while making an illegal left turn, just missing me!

Effectually I made my way to the local market. By this time I was thinking, THIS IS SUCH A WEIRD NIGHT. I found out quickly it was going to get stranger as the evening progressed! After parking my car, I walked to the store entrance. Couldn't help but notice the two high school GIRLS kissing and hanging all over each other in the parking lot area. Again my thoughts were, MAYBE IT'S A FULL MOON OR SOMETHING?? Once inside the store, I observed a very drunk man in tattered clothes, trying (without much luck) to dig some change out of his pocket to buy a lottery ticket. (Does it seem odd to anybody else, that people with very little are willing to gamble away what little they do have?) By now it was about 8:30pm, I'd finished purchasing a few items and was headed home.

On the way to my car, I passed through some people who were sitting in an outdoor food court enjoying their pizza slices and ice cream cones. SUDDENLY...A GANG OF 8-9 LATINO GUYS JUMPED OUT FROM THE DARK. They violently attacked, kicked and stabbed another guy who was standing about about 30 feet from me!

WHAT'S GOING ON?? I felt like I was back in Bangkok's Red Light District, but I wasn't. This was beautiful San Diego! I was in a local strip mall with little twinkle lights hanging from palm trees. Exhausted parents with strollers full of toddlers relaxed near the fountain, a few retired men were enjoying their coffees and discussing sports!

Then it dawned on me- GOD HAD HEARD MY PRAYER. He was allowing me to SEE my familiar neighborhood through new eyes, through HIS perspective!

It was as if I could hear God saying- “You want to know what causes my heart to grieve? OPEN your eyes! Take time to really SEE those around you. Broken people, crumbling relationships, immorality, poverty and violence are all around you. Don’t be deceived by the facade of beauty and affluence.

After the initial shock and police reports, I had more time to process the “events” of that evening. It was then I realized....not one, but TWO people had been stabbed at the food court that night; an unsuspecting latino youth.... and the other person was ME. God’s “TRUTH” had sliced right through my clouded perspective!

HELP JESUS, HELP. Without You, we are lost and desperate people! Thank you for eyes to see what grieves your heart. Forgive me for the many times I’ve witnessed similar scenes (like tonight’s events) and simply ignored them, LOOKED the other way, or WORSE...I saw them, and did nothing! Forgive me for the times I’ve complained about the moral and spiritual decline that surrounds me, but did nothing more. Forgive me for the times I became aggravated, shocked or disgusted, but did nothing more.

Oh God, compel me to action, to intercession, to LOVE. Push me beyond my own complacency and apathy. Help me to be a BOLD defender of the weak. When it comes to caring for broken people, help to be a RADICAL LOVER, COMPASSIONATE, A DANGEROUS THREAT TO THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS AND INJUSTICE. PLEASE HELP ME TO BE MORE LIKE JESUS

Friday, July 29, 2011

Soaking in Truth

Everyday we have opportunity to learn valuable lessons from the simplest situations. Today I was reminded of an important "life lesson" from a sponge!

We use sponges instead of paint brushes in our Art4Healing classes. Although all our sponges had been thoroughly used and ready for the trash, I noticed they had taken on a unique beauty of their own! While my classmates were gathering their paintings to take home, I decided to gather up our classroom "trash" for a photo shoot.

Everyday I am given a choice to "soak-in" colors. Will I choose from a palette of bitterness, greed and criticism, or will my life be painted with forgiveness, hope and joy? Everyday we are given opportunities to absorb the colors of truth or the colors of a lie? Every experience (every color) is designed to mark us, making us unique in the hands of a loving Master Artist, the Creator of the universe! What some consider, ugly, worthless trash... God lovingly renames as "beautiful and valuable."

Monday, July 25, 2011

OH NO....don't look!

Believe it or not....not all "artist types" are crazy, broken or immoral."As a culture we tend to define creativity too narrowly and to think of it in elitist terms, as something belonging to a small chosen tribe of "real artists." But in reality, everything we do requires making creative choices, although we seldom recognize that fact. The way in which we dress, set up our homes, do our jobs.....even the people we involve ourselves with- these all are expressions of our creativity. It is our erroneous beliefs about creativity, our cultural mythology about artists (all artists are broken, crazy, promiscuous, self centered or have trust funds) that encourage us to leave our dreams unfulfilled." Julia Cameron, The Complete Artist's Way

Monday, July 11, 2011

While in "recovery-healing" mode,
I launched a secondary website (new blog) focusing on
Art and Healing. People have been asking many great
questions about the training I completed recently
with Laurie Zagon. I plan to hold some demonstration
workshops in the near future.

I'll keep you posted on possible locations, dates and times.
Have fun browsing the new site! Here is the link:

Friday, July 1, 2011

Staying Focused!

It's not complicated....

If indeed the mighty God (Creator of the Universe) abides in me, and I in Him through Christ.....then I am absolutely obligated to better resource, steward and freely share this dynamic with others!

As a follower of Jesus and His teachings, I owe my neighbors an encounter with the Living God and His radical love. Should I not be more bold, joyful and willing to go into this world as an “Ambassador” of God’s Kingdom, of His grace, forgiveness and healing power? Yes, Yes, Yes...
God help me!

Kathy LeBarron

Kathy and her Websites have been under construction!

My temporary leave of absence, unfortunately turned to be more of an extended leave! I do apologize and have appreciated your amazing patience with me while I've been trying to "re-group".

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Spiritual Warfare vs Furious Love

When it comes to spiritual warfare, the most powerful weapon is also the most unlikely weapon... LOVE. As followers of Jesus we are called to be radical lovers, of God and those around us. It is that supernatural love that compels us to reach into darkness and snatch-out those held captive, those who have lost their way, who have been crippled by these lies for too long....."You are worthless, hopeless, unlovable!"

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Twelve more days until Christmas!

Christmas is coming
...and that puts a smile on my face too!

I am still here in San Diego, temporarily living in a

little camper which is parked in my brother's

backyard. My brother, his wife and their four

children live a very simple life, but they are

very generous people! They have made difficult

choices through out their lives which means

doing without some of the luxuries we as

American have come to expect. Instead they

have purposed to invested in their children.

It's fun to see their kids fully enjoying the

freedom of being CHILDREN...running from

one end of the yard to the other chasing lizards

or butterflies, romping through the mud, laughing,

or curling up with their parents for a bedtime story,

a song and prayers before bed.

It's such a different life than hundreds of the

children who live on the streets of Bangkok

Christiana’s Mud Pie is the BEST EVER!

May not be the most flattering photo, but I didn't want to run and grab my camera (leave my slice unattended) for fear someone else would devour my delicious piece heaven!


2 cups crushed Oreo cookies

5 T. butter

½ cup granulated sugar

½ gallon Dryers Coffee ice cream

Chocolate sauce:

2 cups powdered sugar

2/3 cups semi sweet chocolate chips

1 can (12oz.) evaporated milk

½ cup butter

1 t. vanilla extract


1 carton (8oz) Cool Whip topping

½ cup crushes Oreo cookies

Combine cookie crumbs for crust with butter and sugar, press in bottom of ungreased 8” spring form pan. Make sure to line the sides of the spring form pan with wax paper (so sides don’t stick later) Freeze for 15 minutes.

Spread softened ice cream over the crust. Freeze until firm. (approx. 3 hours)

Mean while combine the first four ingredients for chocolate sauce, bring to a rolling boil for appr. 8 minutes. Remove fro heat, stir in vanilla and let cool to room temperature. After cool, pour sauce over ice cream. Freeze until firm. Spread Cool Whip over the chocolate sauce; sprinkle Oreo cookie crumbs on top. Freeze before serving. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Version Update Completed!

Birthdays are great fun...growing older is not! No women likes having people blurt out her age at gatherings, or have someone pile so many "teeny tiny" candles on her birthday cake that she can't tell what color the frosting is! So I decided to begin referring to my Birthdays differently, in a new way that sounds more interesting, something with finesse, less ancient,more fun, edgy! How about this....

Today I was updated to the new 5.5 version!
(There, I believe that will work just fine.
If all goes well, next year I'll get the 5.6 version. AWESOME!)

Can't imagine why my family felt I needed a new pair of shoes for my Birthday, after all these have taken me literally around the world! Okay...maybe it is time to replace my old shoes for new ones. Now I'm really ready. Bring on the new adventures!

Today I will celebrate another birthday and rejoicing over God's goodness to me! He has blessed me with so many wonderful gifts; family, beautiful grandchildren and amazing friends, for these I am very grateful. He has also given me the best gift of all ages....Jesus!

Jesus came to set me free, to release me from my fears. In Him I find my rest. He is the hope of the Nations, our Deliverer and King forever. He is the JOY of every longing heart!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Memphis for Thanksgiving

Fun with the twins.

Christmas decorations are everywhere....I love the Holidays!

I don't love the prices! Yep, that's a 13 foot Christmas tree for $375.....ouch! We won't be purchasing this one.

Codie decides to try and get a closer look at baby Jesus!

Yummy!! Pumpkin and Apple Butter

When you're little.... "meal time" is more about investigating your food or how far you can throw it!

Codie Rae snuggled up with "Robo" Grandma after a long day of playing. Even though I was there for a short visit, I still had to bring (and wear) my arm splint. Hopefully my arm will be strong enough to handle surgery in a few weeks.

Thanksgiving in Tennessee with Wade, Heidi and their family! I forgot how delicious turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes are and how expensive a "live" Christmas tree can be. What a treat to hang out with the family over the Holiday. Raising three busy young children is a challenging full time job (and exhausting) but Heidi and Wade are very good parents! We cooked and baked and even squeezed in a few visits to the park, zoo and shopping malls with the kids. ...well we had to do something to burn off those extra calories! Hopefully next stop is up to Washington to see Micah, Eva and the grandkids kids before Christmas.

Friday, November 19, 2010

My NightLight team from Bangkok visits Southern California

In a span of 48 hours.... I drove to Los Angles, connected with my NightLight team from Bangkok, enjoyed a FREE trip to Disneyland, helped Deana and Amber work at the Nightlight LA office, filled jewelry orders, drove to Pasadena and helped set up for Annie's speaking engagement at Fuller. THEN....I left that event and drove to Riverside (arriving after midnight) crashed out on the floor at a friends house, had lunch at the beautiful Mission Inn, drove back to La Jolla to meet Dr. Clay Ford (Pastor and Chairman of Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries) hung out at La Jolla beach with my BKK team & Hannah Ford (musician/artist who God used at "Revival in Disneyland" on Youtube!) Finally after all that, I came back to the Mission Bay area, climbed into my little bed and COLLAPSED. I'm exhausted, but it sure was FUN!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Latest Accessory in Fall Fashion?

You've heard of THE TERMINATOR? Well, for the past week I've been THE SUPINATOR!

Recently, I've been on a very specialized (short term) treatment program which involves wearing a MONSTROUS supination splint. I must SIT STILL (not an easy task for me) with a gigantic robotic cuff on my arm multiple times during the day. My fashionable new "accessory" probably won't make the cover of Vogue Magazine, or show up on a Google search, "Fantastic New Ways to Accessorize Your Fall Wardrobe" but don't let that fool you! This crazy thing, although not very attractive, is strengthening my wrist....or at least that what the professionals tell me!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Politicians aren't the only ones slinging mud!

rain storms (+) dirt (X) two little boys=FUN!

Play'en in the mud, it's a great way to spend the afternoon. After all... we can't let the Politicians have ALL the fun. The elections are tomorrow, it should be an interesting day!
On Sunday October 31, I spent the evening participating in a massive outreach event put on by Newbreak Church. A major part of downtown Tierrasanta was completely closed off to traffic to accommodate this huge party! Thousands came and had a great time! Most people I spoke to thought the event was sponsored by the city of San Diego. When they realized a local church in their neighborhood was throwing this gigantic (FREE) party to bless their kids...they were blown away!

Very impressed with the excellent job NB church leaders did in preparing their people to serve in their community. Since my hand has been getting stronger, I really wanted to help. Face Painting seemed like a great idea, so that's where I started. For many hours our team painted adorable little faces of every size, shape and color! Each little face was an opportunity, to bless, to love on, to quietly pray over or to engage parents in a conversation. Oh, how I have missed these kinds of activities. So glad to be healing. So glad to be plugged into a healthy, outward focused church. I LOVE EVANGELISM.

Friday, October 29, 2010

This is San Diego, it's not suppose to rain!
For the past two weeks we have had REAL rain, enough to make puddles and cause people to use their windshield wipers and umbrellas! This is soooooo.... not normal "Sunny California" weather.

My once vast back yard living area (of desert sand, clay and dirt) is now green with new baby grass! A lovely carpet of green surrounds my little camper/trailer home. After living in the concert jungles of Bangkok's skyscrapers, I had forgotten how allergic I am to some "green things" grass. The whole time in Thailand's hot tropic, humid, mold and mildewy climate, I never once had troubles with allergies. A few inches of rain in San Diego and now I'm a sneezing, sniffling, crazy woman! I think that's funny...Aaaaa chuuuu!

Monday, October 18, 2010

What woman doesn't like to go shopping? Okay, besides me.
I actually really like finding the perfect gift for people, but I hate wandering around in malls or shopping centers for hours looking, looking....looking. If you enjoy finding the perfect gift, but don't enjoy parking lots, crowded malls or long lines consider shopping at our NightLight's Webstore. After all....Christmas is coming!

NightLight employees women to make beautiful jewelry from silver, semi-precious stones, pearls and decorative beads. When you purchase these products you are securing the freedom of women who have been sexually exploited or were at risk of exploitation in the bars of Bangkok, Thailand.

Visit our store


Community - Everybody needs connections