Saturday, February 13, 2010

Comic Relief becomes Evangelism!

A few nights ago I was invited to a surprise birthday party for a friend of my team mates. I was told we were to dress up as "old people" as a tease. She was turning 30. YOUNG in my eyes, but perhaps OLD in the eyes of my new team mates! Well, anyone who knows me, knows this sounds like fun! So I dressed like as a crazy,
flamboyant "older than me" woman!

The Bible says laughter is good medicine! Although the Thai woman in this picture with me was a perfect stranger, she wanted to be involved in our fun. So we took her picture and visited with her while we waited at the train station!

Most professional business people make it point to dress very well and behave properly. As you can imagine, it is very unusual for Thai people to see a foreigner willing to be silly in public... especially in the down town area!

Try not to be jealous of such beauty!

My 2oish year old team mates dress the part!

What I didn't know about the surprize party........we would remain dressed in these ridiculous looking outfits (slippers and all!) as we made our way from one end of Bangkok to the other! We walked through our neighborhood to the train station, then walked another twenty minutes through the streets of Bangkok to the party!

Yes, we were quite a spectacle! You should have seen the people on the train in their business attire, wondering what to make of us! We laughed a lot and even made a new friend along the way. She works down town and invited me to visit her at her corporate office. She even offered to help with my language. We'll see. Next week I will meet her for coffee. Now that is a fun and crazy way to establish relationships! God is so creative.

1 comment:

Lisa C. said...

Wow!!! I am in awe of how God works, to connect you with a complete stranger who wants to tutor you in the Thai language! You are so funny - I love the outfit! <3 :-)

Community - Everybody needs connections