Tuesday, March 9, 2010


“Khanom” American style!

My language classmates are from Korea and Europe. ALL of them can speak at least 4 languages, and most speak more. I have met some that speak 7 or 8 languages. For them knowing multiple languages is a normal and expected part of their everyday life. Then there is me! Language Classes were only offered as an elective instead of art, typing or auto shop! Why aren’t we as Americans taught multiple languages from Kindergarten through High School?

Struggling through anything has a way of bonding people together. In language class we laughed, shared funny stories and have grown quite fond of each other during these weeks. We only have a few more days of this Language Module left before it ends. Unfortunately, all my classmates will move forward to the next module, except me. I don’t mind repeating a module (as this is my first serious attempt at learning a second language) but I will really miss my new friends. It would be nice to do something special for them! Although my budget is limited, I came up with a plan.

Someone told me about a great bakery in one of the fancy Hotels near by. They sell all their baked items at half price after 6:00pm. Oh goodie, yummy things at half price! So I ventured over to see what they had on display. A beautiful Black Forest cake, complete with whipped cream and cherries caught my attention. It was perfect and only a few dollars! I had to buy it. I will pack up my American style “dessert” and take it to school along with a few little gifts for my classmates and teacher. I think it will be a fun surprise for them!

1 comment:

Lisa C. said...

The cake looks delicous! I hope it was just a yummy. I wholeheartedly agree with you that we should be taught a second language from K-12!

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